APOZ or the Anti-Piracy Organisation of Zimbabwe was launched this month as copyright and collective management inspectorate. According to the allAfrica report APOZ is the only organisation that fights piracy in Zimbabwe and has until now been operating as a "powerless police informer" whose efforts were reduced to nothing because of loopholes in the existing legislature and lack of interest among the stakeholders. The organisation would now be able to lobby for arresting powers from the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and for an anti-piracy section within the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Operations Director, Innocent Matsengarwodzi, also said matters concerning copyright infringement would be treated as serious crime warranting the full wrath of the law. According to the article up to 98 arrests were made in connection with various infringements and raids last year so it would appear that Matsengarwodzi has even tougher measures in mind.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Zimbabwe re-launches Anti-Piracy Organisation

Darren Olivier
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