The University of Cape Town's (UCT) center for research contracts and intellectual property rights reports that South Africa has released the regulations to the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 51 of 2008).
The regulations will operationalise funding and development of Intellectual property from public resources, such as at Universities and public research institutions. A copy can be downloaded here.
These regulations are timely in that they will clarify for researchers and other employees in Public funded institutions what their entitlements are when they develop any innovations. To this extent, this also reflects on how influential in terms of spreading licensing in the manner set out in the 'Bayh-Dole Act '., Ac 51 of 2008.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Draft Regulations to South Africa's 'Bayh-Dole Act ' released

Asiimwe Paul
Write commentsThe Regulations are due to come into force on 1 June 2009, according to the draft regulations. Comments on the draft regulations need to be sent to the Dept of Science and Technology by 8 May 2009.