Algeria has had a Thursday-Friday weekend since 1976, but is now aligning itself with other states in the region that have a Friday-Saturday weekend. However, the change is causing confusion and consternation that it may lead to more long weekends as people adjust. Afro Leo wonders about what happens to that deadline which fell on a Thursday - for more info click here.
A reminder to check alongside the Upcoming Events and to please send Afro Leo details of any events you are organising.
John Syekei has, with thanks, informed Afro-IP that the commencement date of the Kenyan Counterfeit Goods Act was 7 July 2009. John could you let us know if the regulations are in place and whether any raids have been conducted under the Act?In South Africa, there has been a re-shuffle in the IP profession following the move of two Bowman Gilfillan partners to Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs (ENS). Bowman Gilfillan has recruited an IP partner from another leading local IP firm and UK based IP Counsel from Telefonica (O2). A number of associates also moved between the leading IP firms as a result. ENS is known as a corporate firm in the local environment and their recruitment of the partners indicates an intent to gain credibility for IP work. Meanwhile, the local IP profession celebrated Women's Day with their annual lunch last week Friday. The SAIIPL Golf Day takes place this coming Friday.
Afro Leo is working on an article for MIP on outsourcing IP work to Africa and would welcome any contributions, examples etc of where this is occurring and how effective it has been. Africa can benefit from its low labour costs, favourable exchange rates, small (in number) but highly skilled IP professionals, reducing technology costs, time zone efficiencies, brain drain boomerangs, and recession to put itself in a position to gain from the worldwide need to reduce costs. All African IP professionals stand gain by Africa making a credible play as an IP outsourcing destination, so Afro Leo is hoping his call is met with enthusiasm. Drop him a note action film "District 9" topped the box office according to this Washington Post and Reuters report: "District 9," a gritty, low-budget space alien movie set in South Africa with a cast of unknowns, opened as Hollywood's No. 1 film, grossing more at the box office its first weekend than it cost to make. The sci-fi action thriller depicting extraterrestrials as unwanted immigrants stranded in Johannesburg took in $37 million in North America, distributor Sony Pictures said on Sunday. Read the wiki here.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Tuesday's toffees

Darren Olivier
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