Friday 11 September 2009

Darren Olivier

Content war gets nastier - hunger strikes

Readers may recall a story that broke a few months back describing how the content industry in South Africa formed a coalition (TVIEC) to protest against the SABC's IP and payment policies. The coalition staged an uprising which played a big part in forcing SABC board resignations and them begging for a government bail out. The story continues with a hunger strike.

"Accusations, counter-accusations, hunger strike, protests, name-calling, defiance, denialism, late payments, delayed procurement, deferrals and axing. These are just some of the fundamental characteristics of the local content ‘battle for survival' currently being fought between the SABC and the TV Industry Emergency Coalition (TVIEC). And it is turning nastier day after day." (Issa Sikiti da Silva).

Darren Olivier

Darren Olivier

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11 September 2009 at 18:43 delete

Hunger strikes seem to be the thing in African IP lately. Nigeria's collecting societies and musicians banded together in a hunger strike in protest of piracy in the country.
