Via AllAfrica comes this piece of reporting from Lagos's Daily Independent that Sidemans and Company Nigeria Limited, which compiled and published an oil and gas survey, has sued Calag Capital Limited and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) over alleged infringement on its intellectual property.
According to the report, Sidemans has alleged that Calag has infringed patent rights in the survey it carried on the oil and gas sector and also failed to acknowledge its authorship and patent rights on the survey, entitled Unctad/Calag African Oil and Gas Services Sector Survey Volume 1 ...Nigeria: Creating Local Linkages by Empowering Indigenous Entrepreneurs. While Sidemans conceded that Calag sponsored the production of the survey, it had been agreed that "statutory acknowledgments of authorship of the plaintiff be unreservedly observed in all material respect with regard to the survey". From the brief facts as described in the article, this looks to Afro Leo more like a copyright infringement action than a patent one -- but he's prepared to be persuaded by facts to the contrary, should they emerge.
The defendants are yet to file their defence to this action, for which Justice Abutu has fixed 10 November as the hearing date.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Is it a patent, is it a copyright, is it a moral rights dispute?

Write commentsI agree with Prof. Jeremy Phillips. Looks like copyright.