Thursday 26 August 2010


IP Workshops coming up

Thank you, Kyle Jensen, for tipping Afro Leo off about the news that the non-profit organisation for facilitating access to new technologies PIPRA is cooperating in the running of two IP Workshops in Cape Town, on 14 and 15 September.

Both events, which are funded by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, are free to attend. Kyle says they'll be "awesome". The first is a Workshop on IP Strategy for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (here); the second is a Workshop on IP and innovation in the South African public sector (here) -- at which there will be some debate and analysis of South Africa's new "Bayh Dole" Act (on which, see the earlier Afro-IP post here).



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27 August 2010 at 01:40 delete

The events are both free and [will be] awesome. We've got great speakers, good food, and ample time for questions.

Workshop on IP Strategy for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises

Workshop on IP and innovation in the South African public sector
