Monday 17 September 2012


A review of African official IP websites: no.10: Chad (Afro-IP's shortest blog post ever?)

This little Leo managed to navigate his way back into the Republic of Chad in search of its intellectual property (IP) office and/or any IP news online, only to be presented with various celebrity and sport headlines from the United States of America (Afro Leo now learns that the Americans love the name, Chad; but hopes that one day, Chad, the country, would become newsworthy). On our last visit, there was at least some life online in Chad - albeit an irrelevant and not so useful one for IP - but that is no longer the case. So, yet another stagnant member of the OAPI

Is this the shortest blog post ever, on Afro-IP?
For all other things 'Chad' see here, here and here
Talented sportsmen and women at the OAPI, Cameroon, see here
Cameroon's medals table at the 2012 Olympics see here



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