Wednesday 5 December 2012



Left to right: Fernando and Craig
Afro Leo thanks Craig Kahn (Spoor & Fisher) for letting him know the following information (which also appears on the Spoor & Fisher website):
At the ARIPO THIRTY-SIXTH SESSION of the ARIPO Administrative Council meetings held in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania this week, Fernando dos Santos was appointed as the new ARIPO Director General. Fernando dos Santos will serve as DG for a term of 4 years beginning in 2013. He will be taking over from the current ARIPO Director General, Gift Sibanda. Fernando dos Santos is currently Registrar of the Mozambique Industrial Property Institute (IPI).
The ARIPO website is apparently inaccessible at present, so Afro Leo can't see if any further information or comment has been posted there.

The Afro-IP blog team wishes Fernando the best of luck in his new role. If he succeeds in it, we are all the beneficiaries.



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