This Leo had the opportunity to watch both President Barack Obama's televised press conference and speech at the University of Johannesburg last week. During his town hall meeting in Soweto, this Leo eagerly picked up that the United States is committed to tackling climate change as well as sharing clean energy technologies with developing countries. This tallies with similar remarks made by Mr Francis Gurry at the IPKat's birthday (reported here) in terms of WIPO's efforts on this issue. (Afro Leo is hoping that these remarks will become a reality very soon)

Ok, this post is not about President Obama's visit to South Africa; rather, on Afro-IP's visit to Uganda to see if anything has changed since 2012. Sadly, nothing has changed so far. In fact, the poll found last year and thought to serve a purpose, seems to have been abandoned on the website (Afro Leo loves to see IP Registries ask users about the improvement they would like to see; it shows good customer service - only if it was meant to be). This Leo may well find that, in 2014, this poll would still be live. In case you have not submitted your response, you still have enough time to do so and please make sure you click on all things IP.
To be fair, readers need to note that Uganda is one of the least-developed countries (LDCs) benefiting from the recent TRIPS extension. For recent Afro-IP posts on Uganda, see here and here