Carlos Sakyi, a leading member of the Professional Musicians Association of Ghana (PROMAG) and a copyright advocate, has blamed the previous administration of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) for what he described as "the failure of Charterhouse to adhere to copyright laws". Charterhouse, the biggest organiser of major entertainment events, including the Ghana Music Awards, was alleged to have "recorded a previous award ceremony on CDs and sold them without the knowledge of musicians who were part of the event".
According to Sakyi, MUSIGA was allied to Charterhouse and was entrusted with the enforcement of copyright: as such, it stood a better chance of making Charterhouse do the right thing. MUSIGA president Diana Hopson responded that MUSIGA supports Charterhouse in the organisation of music awards but added: "I don't know if there was an agreement of that sort to commercialize the awards".
Thursday, 28 February 2008
PROMAG member lashes MUSIGA over Ghana Music Awards

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