Uganda recently upped its efforts to become TRIPS compliant. With support from the ICSTD, SANAA Consulting has been working with stakeholders to set out priorities that can be submitted to the TRIPS council for possible support between 2008 and 2012. Some of the key priority areas include IPR administration, enforcement of IPRs, Innovation, technology transfer and IP for development. Once completed, this program will enable the country to be fully TRIPs compliant by 2016.
On another note, ICSTD reports that the TRIPS Council is once more divided over whether patent applicants should be obliged to disclose more about the origin of ‘biological resources’ or ‘traditional knowledge’ than has previously been the case. Wider disclosure requirements were supported by key developing countries such as Brazil, India, Thailand, Pakistan and Venezuela, while Uganda led the LDCs group. This continued disagreement highlights the persistent failure of WTO member states to resolve trade interests and environmental /conservation concerns as enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Monday, 21 April 2008
Uganda - update from Paul Asiimwe
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Darren Olivier
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