STOP PRESS -- Judgment due out at 11.30 am SA time today. Cast your vote asap alongside..
Yesterday we reported, to the disappointment of Afro-IP, that the High Court had reserved its judgement in the ANC v COPE matter . It occurs to Afro-IP that our audience, given the papers, may well be able to come to their own conclusion (quicker that the Court) or wish to pit their skills against the impending High Court decision and other readers. To enable you to do so we have set up the decision poll alongside. It's completely anonymous so take a few minutes and hand down your own decision.
In order to prepare, you can review the numerous media reports (including letters exchanged between the parties) and the actual evidence and arguments filed by the parties here. Following yesterday's post, Jeremy Speres, an alert final year LLB student at UCT, pointed out that the heads of argument filed by the ANC and the affidavit filed by COPE can be located here:
ANC Heads of Argument
The COPE Affidavit
Friday, 12 December 2008
ANC v COPE -- what is your verdict?
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Darren Olivier
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