Adam Smith (World Trade Mark Review) has published a news article based on a full interview he had with Omari Issa, the CEO of Investment Climate Facility for Africa, with whom he was talking about the counterfeiting problem in east Africa. The new article is here: Brand owners urged to sponsor enforcement coordination. This is the latest in WTMR's coverage of the EAC study into harmonizing IP enforcement in the region. Previous article here: Fresh move to harmonize anti-counterfeiting law in east Africa, with further reports and background reading from Afro-IP here. Afro-IP will report WTMR's update article when it is published. Thank you Adam.
Minister of Trade & Industry's (Rob Davies) replies to parliamentary questions on Ciprogate. Meanwhile, Natacha Rey (LLM IP student at UCT) has alerted Afro Leo this news article about the transformation of CIPRO to a commission following amendments to Companies legislation, commenting that "a commission is the opportunity SA IP needs...." If the success of the Competition Commission is anything to go by Ms Rey may well be correct.
Minister of Trade & Industry's (Rob Davies) replies to parliamentary questions on Ciprogate. Meanwhile, Natacha Rey (LLM IP student at UCT) has alerted Afro Leo this news article about the transformation of CIPRO to a commission following amendments to Companies legislation, commenting that "a commission is the opportunity SA IP needs...." If the success of the Competition Commission is anything to go by Ms Rey may well be correct.
Jeremy Speres (UCT LLM Student) sent in a short piece he wrote for a class, comparing the recent ECJ Advocate General's opinion on the AdWords matter with the decision of the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Rescuecom v Google, also concerning AdWords. Thank you Jeremy - we wait with bated breath for the ECJ decision. Afro-IP reported on the ECJ advocate general opinion recently: ECJ closer to Adwords decision.

Elizabeth Bourne (librarian, Bowman Gilfillan) has sourced the elusive and unreported Lollipop decision - the first reasoned decision of its kind regarding ambush marketing in RSA and S15(A) of the Merchandise Marks Act. Metcash were founding wanting after having been sued by Fifa for ambush marketing the 2010 World Cup Event by promoting their lollipops as "2010 Pops" with the national flag and footballs. Afro Leo wants to know Roshana's view (and any of yours) on this decision published shortly here and summarised by Fifa's counsel Kelly Thompson (Adams and Adams) here. He also wants to know why the decision is not reported.
Finally, Afro-IP notes that its email subscriber list has now passed 300, its LinkedIN subscription is at 60 and its two feeds reach over 100. The blog wishes to thank its followers but also invite them to contribute through the comment section on the blog, by sending upcoming events or offering guest posts. The several voices on the contributor list are not enough to cover the entire Africa nor are they sufficient to get the full and depth range of commentary on IP in Africa. The community is growing. Be part of it.