Wednesday 7 April 2010


Tektique to showcase tasty tech transfer prospects

Here, via Intellectual Property Marketing Advisor, comes news of Tektique, a new South African technology portal.

According to the information received, this word is a contraction of the words "technology boutique". The portal is directed specifically at the process of adding tangible value to IP:

"Tektique is a collaboration between South Africa’s leading higher education institutions and research institutions. It was developed with support from the Department of Science and Technology’s National Intellectual Property Management Office in 2009 and was incubated by InnovUS, the technology transfer company of Stellenbosch University. In addition to providing a ‘showcase’ for South African IP, Tektique provides member institutions with a lead generation report, customized for that particular technology, for each posting. This report consists of relevant potential industry partners for each new technology, descriptions of the identified companies, as well as the details for a contact person at each of these companies".
Tektique also has an IP policy. According to its FAQs:
"6. Who owns my IP once it is on Tektique

All IP loaded onto the Tektique website is the property of the institution from which it comes .... Any and all commercialisation that comes from this IP will be the property of that institution. Tektique exists to be the platform that connects the IP owners with potential partners or funders. Tektique takes no shareholding or remuneration for this service".



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