Citing Tunisia Online News, AGIP reports that the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Tunisia's National Standardization and Intellectual Property Institute (INNORPI) have entered into a cooperation agreement providing for the creation of a Copyrights Training Academy. The agreement was signed on 7 June, at the end of a meeting held between Secretary of State in charge of Renewable Energies and Food Industries Abdelaziz Rassaa and WIPO’s Director-General Francis Gurry.
A summary of the Tunisia meeting, viewed from WIPO's perspective, can be accessed here.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Tunisia lines up for copyright training

Write commentsWhy should the training be limited only to copyright. Other aspects and regimes of Intellectual Property need attention also. More attention for me me should be focussed on IP valuation and IP management (docketing) training.