Monday 17 January 2011

Darren Olivier

IP's place in the fight against the spread of malaria

the irritant
The danger caused by pirated drugs is no stranger to this blog. This Monday's post links to two posts commenting on the international initiative to stop the spread of a drug resistant strain of mosquitoes into Africa caused, in part, through the use of counterfeit drugs.'s Robert Herriman explains the five point plan in his post here. The Bangkok Post's editorial describes the chilling concerns in a neat article here. Meanwhile, almost as if part of the plan, news of the constitution of the Board of the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI) last week is contained in this piece from Ghana Mail here - candidates from Kenya and South Africa are selected as co-chairs of the new Board.

Darren Olivier

Darren Olivier

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17 January 2011 at 21:02 delete

Since the IP surrounding such anti-malarial drugs as the original quinine and the contemporary artemisinin family started with TK, I am led to consider whether we are benefitting from biopiracy in Africa.
