Apart from being the world’s greatest sporting event, the
Olympic Games ceremony made this little Leo realise that there are 204 countries -- or 205 including the Independent Olympic Athletes -- present. This was indeed
a great opportunity for some countries in Africa to come out of obscurity,
thanks to the BBC's informative commentary.
Increasingly, most events are not just confined within enclosed
settings: we can now share them, including our experiences, via various social media platforms, or if we are that interested, easily find out about them using search engines
such as Google and bing. As information
communication technology becomes, arguably, important to socio-economic growth, most
things are becoming relevant; country information – particularly those in Africa – are becoming readily accessible; and the success of these
countries can also be discussed as a going concern.
Afro-Leo feels that not many of our readers or those
interested in African artworks in the UK, are aware that the Ministry of Youth,
Sport and Culture (MYSC) and the Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC) do have a stall set up to
showcase Botswana's artistic creativity in Kensington Gardens, London, during the Games. According to this report,
this Brand Botswana initiative has already attracted a lot of attention and there
was an “overwhelming” demand for the works on show. It is also stated that
the BITC has brought along brochures and booklets detailing various investment
opportunities in Botswana .
At the time of writing, the BITC had no website or social media presence.
Last year, Afro-IP also discovered that there was no official website for Botswana's IP office; 12 months later, it is unfortunate that this has not changed. Now you might realise why this little Leo chose to
go round the circle to bring that news to you.
See here for 'Africa becomes land of opportunity', a piece urging law firms to tap into the continent's growth (the author reminds his readers not to treat Africa as a 'single' country -- well, this little Leo hopes that none of the lawyers reading that thought so in the first place).