The tragedy that is the Blade and The Beautiful is not the only news happening in Pretoria, South Africa at the moment.
We have heard from Dario Tanziani that former Supreme Court of Appeal Judge Louis Harms, an extraordinary professor in the Department of Private Law and the incumbent of
the Adams and Adams chair in Intellectual Property at the University of Pretoria (TUKS), is taking part in their Prestige Lecture Program next month.
The TUKS invitation reads:
Prestige lecture
Presentation by Judge LTC Harms, Adams and Adams Professor in Intellectual Property Law:
‘Plain packaging and its impact on trademark law’
The Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria cordially invites you to the abovementioned presentation.
Date Wednesday 13 March 2013
Time 18:30 for 19:00
Venue Senate Chamber, University of Pretoria
RSVP By 1 March 2013, +27 12 362 5184 (f),
Enquiries Mornay Hassen +27 12 420 4126
Amongst the considerable accolades for the former Judge is his most recent election as an Honorary Master of the Bench of the Middle Temple.
Friday 22 February 2013
TUKS Prestige Lecture Program: Louis Harms
Darren Olivier
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