We have learned that the Libyan Trade Mark Office has started issuing trade mark registration certificates and has also been accepting renewal applications, as of 1 October 2015.
Accordingly, for any applications that have matured to registration (ie which have been published and where no oppositions have been raised) and that are still valid, a registration certificate will issue once payment of the official fees of LYD 151 (approximately US$ 111) has been made.
As for expired applications, it is possible to issue renewal certificates after paying the normal renewal fee of LYD 181 (approximately US$ 133) per application.
Source: newsletter of NJQ & Associates, from whom further information can be obtained by emailing libya@qumsieh.com
Accordingly, for any applications that have matured to registration (ie which have been published and where no oppositions have been raised) and that are still valid, a registration certificate will issue once payment of the official fees of LYD 151 (approximately US$ 111) has been made.
As for expired applications, it is possible to issue renewal certificates after paying the normal renewal fee of LYD 181 (approximately US$ 133) per application.
Source: newsletter of NJQ & Associates, from whom further information can be obtained by emailing libya@qumsieh.com