According to DispatchOnline Creative Workers Union of South Africa (CWUSA) is crying foul after music powerhouse Sony BMG Music Entertainment acquired the 2010 Fifa World Cup music rights. CWUSA General Secretary Oupa Lebogo said his organisation was troubled by the way the 2010 Fifa World Cup music rights tender had been awarded.
“The way Fifa handled the tender process is very suspicious. The tender was never advertised. Sony BMG and Fifa had an agreement outside South Africa without consulting the local artists.”
“This means that the local artists will be held hostage by a company located outside South Africa. Sony BMG will appoint anyone they choose to perform at the opening and closing ceremonies as well as during the tournament.
“They will also have the right to hand-pick a person to compose the theme song and an artist to perform it.”
Local Organising Committee spokesperson Tim Modise refuted the claims:
“Sony BMG did not get any tender. They are sponsors of Fifa. They will obviously be part of the whole process,” he said.
Friday, 20 June 2008
2010 World Cup Music Rights: whose right?
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Darren Olivier
Write commentsDo you know about any music compilations by South African musicians in the run up to World Cup 2010?
ReplyHi I am sure there are many -