Given the recent lack of activity on this blog one might be mistaken for believing that Leos hibernate during southern African winters. The truth is that they don't (see
here) although they are known to become restful after periods of intense activity. This Leo's excuse is partly due to the WC 2010 vuvuzela vibe that swept through South Africa leaving normal life in its wake, and partly because this
post lead to a busy instruction involving the so-called "Bavaria Babes". Who said trade mark law was not fun? This short note is to let you know that life is back to relative normality and more regular postings will commence shortly.
For those interested in the whereabouts of Henry (see
here), I am happy to say that his worrisome mum wrote in to say that he returned home safely yesterday. She said that she was grateful for the efforts of the SS in keeping him safe during his WC trip. Henry later clarified that SS was tweetspeak for Soccer Sity...