Tuesday 25 November 2008


Kenya: Interview with Copyright Board CEO

The Business daily interviewed Ms Marisella Ouma, the Kenya Copyright Board CEO and Executive Director, on the issue of copyright piracy in Kenya and the effort being taken by the board to address the menace for the sake of the creative industry in Kenya. Part of the interview can be found here.

On the role of the Board, the CEO is quoted as saying that the Board is active in the fight against piracy and it has adopted several approaches to deal with the vexing issue. The Board is involved in campaigns to create awareness among the right holders and the public. The second approach is enforcement of rights carried out by an enforcement unit which includes the police who carry out raids and confiscate infringing copies.

Ms Ouma cites a number of challenges faced by the Board such as lack of complainants and the fact that copyright infringement is not seen as a serious crime as evidenced by the non-deterrent penalties imposed on the offenders. The CEO sees collaboration with other government agencies and right holders as crucial in the fight against piracy.



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