Sunday 3 February 2013


Implemented at last: Ethiopia's 2006 trade mark law

From Chris Walters (Spoor & Fisher, Jersey) comes news that Ethiopia has at last published the implementing regulations which everyone has been waiting for and which to give effect to the 2006 Trade Mark Registration and Protection Proclamation. Publication of these Regulations brings into force a new, orthodox, trade mark regime for the registration and enforcement of trade mark rights. The protection term is seven years, repeatedly renewable. As Chris observes:
"There are still a number of unknown factors, including the term for re-filing trade mark 'registrations' obtained under the former regime, and the issuance of practice directives from the Director-General of the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office is still awaited.

In the meantime, there is no reason to delay the filing of completely new trade mark applications and it is recommended that applications are filed as soon as possible so that trade mark owners can secure the earliest possible filing date".
Source: "New trademark law comes into effect: Ethiopia", written by Chris Walters for World Trademark Review.



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