This Leo is back inland and finds himself in a landlocked country where there is still no designated website for the Department of Registrar General (Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs). Browsing around, the Ministry's website does not have much to offer to an IP stakeholder. He leaves here looking forward to next stop, Mali.
Around the web for related IP news
Algeria: WIPO has been around in Algiers on a mission to improve the transfer of technology between industrialized and developing countries and Algeria is about a launch a technology transfer office, See here and here
Nigeria: The Nigerian Copyright Commission recaps on 2012 including its litigation success in 31 copyright infringement cases (26 criminal prosecutions and 5 civil). Read all about it here

IPRs and public health study: WHO, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) will launch a new study on the linked roles that public health policies, intellectual property and trade can play in advancing medical technology and ensuring it is available equitably to all who need it. The event will be open to the public and take place at 16:30–18:00 on 5 February 2013 in the WTO’s CR Building.
To register for the event by email For more details see here
Japan increases its contribution to WIPO: This blog has hosted posts (here, here, here and here) on IP-related technical assistance to developing countries; therefore, it is delighted to learn that Japan has increased its voluntary contributions to support WIPO's activities in developing countries. To read more, see here
Japan increases its contribution to WIPO: This blog has hosted posts (here, here, here and here) on IP-related technical assistance to developing countries; therefore, it is delighted to learn that Japan has increased its voluntary contributions to support WIPO's activities in developing countries. To read more, see here